Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bake Sale anyone? Medical Marijuana

In 2008, 63% of the Michigan voters approved Medical Marijuana.  The original legislation was poorly written.  In fact, my 11 year old could have written it better. 

Now that the State is controlled by the Republican party, they are introducing multiple new addendum's to the original law.  Most of them are duplicate and triplicate's of other laws written by their cohorts in Lansing.  It is all very disgusting and a SUPER waste of the tax payers hard earned money.

If my memory serves me correctly, isn't the mantra of the GOP to have less laws and to stay out of the voter's lives?  WAIT, that is only if it serves the big business, not the average voter in Michigan. 

Almost every city in the state has had an issue with medical marijuana.  They are writing new ordinances, banning it and even trying to profit from it. 

Take for example the city of Corunna, which is located in Shiawassee county. 

Bake Sale article here

" The ordinance allows medical marijuana caregivers to have up to five patients and grow up to 12 plants for each patient, but the ordinance requires the growth of marijuana to take place within the caregiver’s main home with no change to the exterior."

Wow.  Doesn't this look familiar?  
Michigan Law

The state already allows patients and their caregivers to grow/cultivate up to 12 plants per patient.

"Licensing requirements in the city require the location of the caregiver be declared, but because they are medical marijuana sites, names of the people residing at the growing location cannot be asked, by law."

It was my understanding that the caregiver/patient didn't have to declare that they held a medical marijuana card unless stopped by the police.  Not to mention, that if you apply for their "license" you have to write a name on the application.  Now the name of the card holder is on a legal city document and no more confidentiality.

Section 333.26426 declares the following:

(2) The department shall maintain a confidential list of the persons to whom the department has issued registry identification cards. Individual names and other identifying information on the list is confidential and is exempt from disclosure under the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.

 (3) The department shall verify to law enforcement personnel whether a registry identification card is valid, without disclosing more information than is reasonably necessary to verify the authenticity of the registry identification card.

If the city of Corunna requires a license for those that are legal card holders, they are in violation of the state of Michigan's law.  They city cannot override state law so that they may capture more funds.  This is what I refer to as a bake sale/witch hunt.  It isn't just a bake sale either.  They want a list that has names and addresses so that they may "inspect" these homes under the guise of business licensing.  In other words, they wouldn't need a warrant to come snooping through your home.  They would send an "inspector" in to make sure you were abiding by their law.  If they see anything suspicious, a huge can of worms will be opened.  Inspectors are not trained law enforcement officers.  Unless, of course, the inspector was an officer of the law.  

A bonafide card carrier has already paid a fee to the state.  Now the city will also try to turn a profit.  It is a legal racket.  A patient should NOT have to pay twice since they are already in compliance with the state law. 

The city wrote this pretty little ordinance so that they could circumvent the state's privacy law already in effect.  

These officials just cannot stand not having access to those on the registry's list and want their greedy hands in the cookie jar.

It is my hope that these card carriers participate in civil disobedience and not participate in the City of Corunna's bogus ordinance.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Repealing the Michigan Business Tax

The first bill introduced by the Michigan legislature is HB 4001.

Read Bill here

What will this do to the low income residents in Michigan?  Any "breaks" that are given to the rich are then spread out among those that are not rich to make up the loss.

Remember the Lame Duck session?  The top 2% of the nation's wealthiest got a tax break.

Once the Michigan Business Tax is repealed, it is estimated that the state of Michigan will lose 523 million in annual revenue.  So how will the state recapture those monies?

The State's Republican's would like to see the Earned Income credit be repealed.  That's right, you read that correctly.  The poorest families in Michigan, those making under 36k a year, will lose that credit.  It is estimated that the state pays out approximately 330 million a year in EIC.

Painful cuts coming

Michigan businesses would then be charged a flat 6% corporate tax to make up for the other 200 million.

Those that qualify for the earned income credit, stimulate the economy at tax time.  They have the money to buy big ticket items that they otherwise would not be able to afford.

The argument is that repealing this bill will add jobs.  So, those of us who live in Michigan will get more part time, minimum wage jobs without benefits.

Call or email your State Reps.  Don't let them continue to look out for their corporate buddies.