Monday, August 9, 2010

Low Primary turn outs are disappointing.

Did you know that 23% of the population decides who proceeds during the Primaries?  23%!  This is very sad.  23% have the control when it comes to elected officials.

Shiawassee County Results

Out of 51,000 registered voters, only 11,800 turned out.

Voter apathy has run rampant.  Voters feel that their one vote does not make a difference.  I am here to tell you that it does.  I lost my election by 28 votes.  28!  I wonder if there were 30 people that were going to get out and vote, but then thought "  I am sure that my vote won't matter anyway."

We can not continue to allow 23% of the people make these choices alone.

The General Elections have a bigger turn out.  Why is that?

General Election results for 2008

We can only speculate.

We have less than 90 days until the General Election.  Familiarize yourself with the candidates.  Don't base your choices on special interest stances.  Base your vote on the person, their intentions, experience and will they have your best interests at the forefront of every choice they make? 

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