Saturday, August 14, 2010

Precinct Delegates

I am slowly learning my way around the Republican party.

Michigan Republican Party

Last May I filed to become a precinct delegate.  A precinct delegate is elected by their peers in a Primary to represent them at the State Convention for which ever party they belong to.  There were 4 people running in Owosso's precinct 1-1.  I received the most votes in this district.  In fact, I received the 3rd highest amount of votes on the Republican ticket in the county.

At the time, I thought it went by votes.  It does not.

The Shiawassee Republican Convention was Thursday,  August 12th.  Precinct Delegates must be in attendance in order to be able to go to the State Convention on August 28th.

There were 30 elect delegates for the 4th Congressional district.  The Republican party only allows 9 delegates and 9 alternates to represent the county.

The Democrats allows all Precinct Delegate elects to go, and vote.  Why such a difference?  I have been poking around to figure this out.

According to a Republican turned Democrat, the State GOP only wants those that will vote for their party favorite.  The more that go, the more likely that someone else could get the nomination.

I am sure some of my readers are curious to know what a Delegate does.  Here is a quick explanation.

  Precinct Delegate

Precinct Delegates represent the voters of their district at the State Convention.  They elect who will run for Attorney General, Secretary of State, MSU Trustees, Michigan Supreme Court nominees etc.  They vote by district.

The above candidates do not have a primary where the people vote.  The State Convention is their primary.  Why it is done this way, I am not sure.  Those who receive the majority will advance to the November General Election.  

I base my votes on the candidate, not what the party majority is leaning towards.  It looks like the Republican party favorite is Bill Shuette for Attorney General, Anne Norlander for SOS and I did not hear much about the MSU trustees.  Michigan Supreme Court only has 2 people seeking that position since the 3rd dropped out.

I never tow the party line and I get a lot of grief about that.  Ah well.

The 30 people that were elected, even if they only got one vote, votes during the meeting on who will be representing the counties 4th and 8th Congressional districts. 

9 Delegates and 9 Alternates were voted on by the group of 30.  There was a 3 way tie for the last alternate.  I was one of the 3.  A gentleman stepped down and thus allowed me to participate in my first State Convention.  I am very excited.

It is my hopes that one day we will have a youthful Republicans that are members.  We need more youth to represent the Republican Party.  

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