Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Shiawassee County Clerk has zero clue

“Maintain a respectful attitude towards employees, other public officials, colleagues and associates”

The above quote was taken directly from the Shiawassee County code of ethics.  Is the code of ethics enforced within Shiawassee County, or is it just a printed piece of paper that looks good?

A couple of weeks ago, a commissioner elect, was walking into the Surbeck Building.  Right in front of him was the Shiawassee County Clerk Lauri Braid.   Ms. Braid turned around and started threatening this person.  She made it very clear, that she would take a Personal Protection Order out on this newly elected commissioner if he ever spoke to her child again. 

During the Toys for Tots season, this newly elected Commissioner was taking part of the festivities.  He saw a woman walk in with a small boy.  This commissioner offered the young man cookies and punch. 

Unbeknown to this new commissioner, the child in question was Lauri Braid’s son. 

Shiawassee County clerk, Lauri Braid, apparently views kindness as a threat.  Why else would she threaten to file for a restraining order?

It is my understanding that a PPO is for women or men that are being stalked, physically abused or is suffering from continual harassment from someone.  Why would a county clerk, that knows what requirements must be met to obtain a restraining order against someone, threaten a person that was just being kind?  Is this the type of representation we want here in our county?  Just because she has many personal grudges against people, does not mean she can abuse the stalking laws. 

I hope this is not a sign of what is to come over the next 2 years since some of the newly elected board is not a part of her clique. 

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas from Capital Blue Cross

Capital Blue Cross is Pennsylvania has made an executive decision to cut out mental health services to their subscribers.  

Article here

( Sarcastic letter composed by me to Capital customers)
Dear Capital Blue Cross subscribers,

The holiday season is quickly upon us.  Our gift to you, is the slashing of your mental health coverage.  As a for profit business, we understand that December brings the most suicides than any other month.

We felt that our services were enabling those with mental illness.  We are taking a new approach.  IF the coverage is not available, we feel that our subscribers will no longer be able to abuse the mental health system to their advantage.  By that we mean, you will no longer be able to see a counselor, psychiatrist, or fill your prescriptions for a myriad of "mental illness" the doctor's want you to think you have.

We understand that the economy is horrible, many of you are out of work, homeless, and starving.  We are too.  We have had to make many cuts.  We have laid off employees, slashed our employee's medical coverage, cut holiday and vacation pay as well as froze pay increases.  We did this, so that our top execs could get massive bonuses.  If we do not pay out hefty bonuses, we would not be able to employ these highly successful and educated men and women.

We suggest that anyone that needs mental health coverage, apply for state subsidized medicaid.  We all pay taxes and should be able to apply for state aid when needed.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Oh wait, never mind.  Most of you won't be able to pay for your "happy pills" any longer.  Hang in there.  Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


Capital Blue Cross

Monday, December 13, 2010

WALL.E and the irony of today's Americans

My family and I  thoroughly enjoyed the movie WALL.E. As of late, this movie has had profound effects on me as I watch the US government scream about the release of diplomatic cables.

The organization of Wikileaks has created such an uproar within America.  Some think that the Editor-in-Chief should be silenced permanently.  Yet, more and more, from all over the world, is calling for Julian Assange's freedom.

While posting on Facebook this morning, I linked the WikiRebel documentary so that I could share this important piece with others.  It was my hope, that I could engage others to pay attention to what is going on in the Middle East.  How these American soldiers, that are supposed to protect and serve, behaved as if they were playing Call of Duty on XBOX 360 live. 

The first response that was posted, was in favor of our American military.  That the killings that were recorded from the Apache helicopter, was pretty much ok, because it is a war zone. 

So many people blindly support the American government and its military operations without questioning the events that surrounded the murder of those innocent civilians that were shown in that video. 

It is a reflection on the movie WALL.E.  Where the residents of Earth, had to be taken into space to live on the Axiom that BnL created.  BnL represents our government.  Those residents blindly followed what the "voice" told them to do.  These people were so plugged into technology and communicating, that they were unable to freely think.  They were distracted.

The "voice" would tell them that the color red was the new blue.  All residents blindly took that and changed the color of their wardrobe without asking any questions. 

Today, the government is vilifying Wikileaks.  Exclaiming that they have blood on their hands.  Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?  If Wikileaks has blood on its hands, which has proven untrue, the American government has blood all over its entire body.

The American government wants us to be distracted by things of non substance so that we are too busy to pay attention to the governments actions. 

People, wake up!  Pay attention.  Think for yourself.  Do not allow the government to decide what you should be thinking.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wikileaks: How this will affect all of us.

Are these people American citizens?

According to Sarah Palin, Editor-in-Chief, Julian Assange, should be hunted down with the likes of Osama bin Laden.  Sarah Pain is considering a run for President in 2012.

Former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee,  Julian Assange should be charged with treason.  Mike Huckabee might possibly be running for President in 2012 as well.  He doesn't even understand the definition of Treason.  One must be a citizen of this country to be charged with that.  Julian Assange is not trying to overthrow his country of Australia.  This man is also a pastor.  (smh)

IT is quite scary to think that the 2 above could quite possibly be elected to run our country.  Both have been Governors, and both proclaim to be Christian people.  I have one question for these 2 hypocrites:  WWJD?

Sarah Palin aligns herself with the Tea Party platform.  Isn't one of the Tea Party's main goal to stick to the Constitution?  That same piece of paper that allows Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression?  Did they miss that part?

We elect very self serving public officials.

The most disgusting cable to date, refers to the American contract company, paid for with our money, DynCorp's love of little boys in Afghanistan.  This very company, that is paid to train Afghan's police force, are paying pimps, to cater to their lust of little boys.

Wikileaks is fighting for it's life on the internet.  We must fight for them here.  We must demand that our government discontinues is tyrannical reign over us, and other countries.  Julian Assange, is fighting for his freedom and very well his life.  If the US get its way, they will declare him a terrorist, and we will never see him again.

How many new laws will be created, to censor our freedoms, because of this brave man, who exposed our governments?

The Judiciary Committee is meeting next week, to decide just that.

Take a stand.  You have every right to demand that the electorate stop with all the demagogic rhetoric.  Quit using fear, as a way to silence those who expose their despotic ways.

Here is a great analogy for the word fear.  False.  Evidence. Appearing.  Real.  They use fear, as a way to prey on all of us.  It is no different than the little boy who cried wolf.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Why are we paying for this?

This week, U.S. Rep John Conyers' namesake, John Conyer III, made headlines once again.

Free Press article

He did not assault a journalist this time.  Instead, he filed a police report regarding a theft from a vehicle.   A vehicle that is registered to the United States Government.  He has also been pulled over for speeding while driving this Official Government car.

The vehicle in question is a Cadillac Escalade.  During these financially difficult times, where unemployment is at an all time high, and we footing the bill for a high end gas guzzler?

A few years back, I used to sell Cadillac's for a local dealership.  A lease for a Cadillac ran approximately $800.00 a month.  Add gas and liability, it costs the U.S. taxpayers at least $1500 a month.

A public servant should not be living in the laps of luxury, while the average American is losing their homes, retirements, and jobs.

With all the rhetoric regarding the environment, why aren't they driving a vehicle that gets 30 m.p.g?

We shouldn't be worried about who is driving this vehicle, but how much we are paying to supply these vehicles.