Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Shiawassee County Clerk has zero clue

“Maintain a respectful attitude towards employees, other public officials, colleagues and associates”

The above quote was taken directly from the Shiawassee County code of ethics.  Is the code of ethics enforced within Shiawassee County, or is it just a printed piece of paper that looks good?

A couple of weeks ago, a commissioner elect, was walking into the Surbeck Building.  Right in front of him was the Shiawassee County Clerk Lauri Braid.   Ms. Braid turned around and started threatening this person.  She made it very clear, that she would take a Personal Protection Order out on this newly elected commissioner if he ever spoke to her child again. 

During the Toys for Tots season, this newly elected Commissioner was taking part of the festivities.  He saw a woman walk in with a small boy.  This commissioner offered the young man cookies and punch. 

Unbeknown to this new commissioner, the child in question was Lauri Braid’s son. 

Shiawassee County clerk, Lauri Braid, apparently views kindness as a threat.  Why else would she threaten to file for a restraining order?

It is my understanding that a PPO is for women or men that are being stalked, physically abused or is suffering from continual harassment from someone.  Why would a county clerk, that knows what requirements must be met to obtain a restraining order against someone, threaten a person that was just being kind?  Is this the type of representation we want here in our county?  Just because she has many personal grudges against people, does not mean she can abuse the stalking laws. 

I hope this is not a sign of what is to come over the next 2 years since some of the newly elected board is not a part of her clique. 


  1. Gary H. did nothing to deserve this attack from L.B. The fact is that Gary was graciously setting out chairs for L.B. and her party because they arrived after the party and no chairs were available for them. I have seen these types of attacks from L.B. on more than one occasion and never were they warranted.
    I am also sorry to say that one of our newly elected commissioners has already fallen to her spell. It was not G.H., D.R., or J.P.

  2. Well, it is pretty disgusting, that Lauri Braid is already starting her divide and conquer. That shows her absolute disrespect to the residents of district 3.

    Lauri Braid's time is coming. It is my hope, that we can clean house and rid her and Colbry from the Shiawassee County government. We need to restore integrity to this county.
