Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas from Capital Blue Cross

Capital Blue Cross is Pennsylvania has made an executive decision to cut out mental health services to their subscribers.  

Article here

( Sarcastic letter composed by me to Capital customers)
Dear Capital Blue Cross subscribers,

The holiday season is quickly upon us.  Our gift to you, is the slashing of your mental health coverage.  As a for profit business, we understand that December brings the most suicides than any other month.

We felt that our services were enabling those with mental illness.  We are taking a new approach.  IF the coverage is not available, we feel that our subscribers will no longer be able to abuse the mental health system to their advantage.  By that we mean, you will no longer be able to see a counselor, psychiatrist, or fill your prescriptions for a myriad of "mental illness" the doctor's want you to think you have.

We understand that the economy is horrible, many of you are out of work, homeless, and starving.  We are too.  We have had to make many cuts.  We have laid off employees, slashed our employee's medical coverage, cut holiday and vacation pay as well as froze pay increases.  We did this, so that our top execs could get massive bonuses.  If we do not pay out hefty bonuses, we would not be able to employ these highly successful and educated men and women.

We suggest that anyone that needs mental health coverage, apply for state subsidized medicaid.  We all pay taxes and should be able to apply for state aid when needed.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Oh wait, never mind.  Most of you won't be able to pay for your "happy pills" any longer.  Hang in there.  Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


Capital Blue Cross

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