Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wikileaks: How this will affect all of us.

Are these people American citizens?

According to Sarah Palin, Editor-in-Chief, Julian Assange, should be hunted down with the likes of Osama bin Laden.  Sarah Pain is considering a run for President in 2012.

Former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee,  Julian Assange should be charged with treason.  Mike Huckabee might possibly be running for President in 2012 as well.  He doesn't even understand the definition of Treason.  One must be a citizen of this country to be charged with that.  Julian Assange is not trying to overthrow his country of Australia.  This man is also a pastor.  (smh)

IT is quite scary to think that the 2 above could quite possibly be elected to run our country.  Both have been Governors, and both proclaim to be Christian people.  I have one question for these 2 hypocrites:  WWJD?

Sarah Palin aligns herself with the Tea Party platform.  Isn't one of the Tea Party's main goal to stick to the Constitution?  That same piece of paper that allows Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression?  Did they miss that part?

We elect very self serving public officials.

The most disgusting cable to date, refers to the American contract company, paid for with our money, DynCorp's love of little boys in Afghanistan.  This very company, that is paid to train Afghan's police force, are paying pimps, to cater to their lust of little boys.

Wikileaks is fighting for it's life on the internet.  We must fight for them here.  We must demand that our government discontinues is tyrannical reign over us, and other countries.  Julian Assange, is fighting for his freedom and very well his life.  If the US get its way, they will declare him a terrorist, and we will never see him again.

How many new laws will be created, to censor our freedoms, because of this brave man, who exposed our governments?

The Judiciary Committee is meeting next week, to decide just that.

Take a stand.  You have every right to demand that the electorate stop with all the demagogic rhetoric.  Quit using fear, as a way to silence those who expose their despotic ways.

Here is a great analogy for the word fear.  False.  Evidence. Appearing.  Real.  They use fear, as a way to prey on all of us.  It is no different than the little boy who cried wolf.

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