Friday, December 3, 2010

Why are we paying for this?

This week, U.S. Rep John Conyers' namesake, John Conyer III, made headlines once again.

Free Press article

He did not assault a journalist this time.  Instead, he filed a police report regarding a theft from a vehicle.   A vehicle that is registered to the United States Government.  He has also been pulled over for speeding while driving this Official Government car.

The vehicle in question is a Cadillac Escalade.  During these financially difficult times, where unemployment is at an all time high, and we footing the bill for a high end gas guzzler?

A few years back, I used to sell Cadillac's for a local dealership.  A lease for a Cadillac ran approximately $800.00 a month.  Add gas and liability, it costs the U.S. taxpayers at least $1500 a month.

A public servant should not be living in the laps of luxury, while the average American is losing their homes, retirements, and jobs.

With all the rhetoric regarding the environment, why aren't they driving a vehicle that gets 30 m.p.g?

We shouldn't be worried about who is driving this vehicle, but how much we are paying to supply these vehicles.  

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